This would be the blog of a bitter grad student, but instead I will finish my MSEE shortly and get on with my life. For the past many years I have been happily chugging along in grad school doing interesting software defined radio work. At times, it has been a lot of work.
Sadly, our group (for various reasons) has acquired a student who does not have a sense of community and focuses only on his personal goals and does not share in the larger project goals.
Recently, we made a commitment to support a company who did a presentation of our work at an industry meeting. I helped the company get our work running on a gumstix embedded system and we hoped to show the debugging tools this student is supposed to be working on monitoring the system. I had been told this would work, when it did not work, I was told this was not his problem. After some emailing people trying to figure out who should solve the problem, he appeared to show a little interest in the problem.
This email from the student in question to his advisor is why I am desperate to escape this lifestyle:
ADVISORMy schedule for today: 8-10 In the lab 10-11:30 Engineering expo 11:30-12 Lunch 12-12:30? 12:30-3:30 class 3:30-4:00 available as long as COMPANY does not show up early 4-5 giving COMPANY a tour of the lab 5-6 Hughes information session 5-5:30 ? 5:30-7 Engineering Expo wine and cheese reception 7 Going home I am obviously very busy, but I will do my best to help out during any breaks I manage to squeeze in. Have you by chance asked SPONSOR about the error (or lack of an error for that matter)? STUDENT