Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Today the hard work started started. The OpenEmbedded project is growing and attracting new user communities. Many of the issues discussed revolved around the problem of supporting and integrating new users into the OE community. We really should try streaming video for people who cannot be here, but all we have are minutes.

In my late update last night, I covered yesterday's eating details. Still no German food. There are calls to attempt a German lunch. Possible my German food experience will be a currywurst in the Frankfurt airport tomorrow on my way home.

Tonight we have a dinner sponsored by Tarent, a German company that uses OpenEmbedded. I am not sure where this is (I heard the name last night), but maybe it will be a German restaurant.

On the bicycle situation, our Dutch representative assures there are not very many bicycles in Berlin and I should go to the Netherlands to see bicycles. I also saw a recumbent when I went for coffee this morning. Our Dutch representative also try to report that he lost his wallet and passport on Friday in the train station. Apparently, the German police told him that him being an idiot was a problem for the Dutch authorities, not the German police.

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